Online Grief Resources
While we have no direct affiliation with the groups or individuals offering these sites and therefore can offer no endorsement of them or the material, we do feel that you may find some helpful guidance here.
The Centre For The Grief Journey
Dr. Bill Webster’s comprehensive site offering more articles and videos from Dr. Webster’s library of grief support materials.
Bereavement Support - London & Middlesex
An extensive list of regional bereavement programs that provide emotional support, problem-solving assistance, information, and guidance for people who have recently lost a loved one. https://www.southwesthealthline.ca/listservices.aspx?id=10162®ion=London
Because losing someone is hard... Confidential and free, MyGrief.ca helps you to understand and move through your grief. A service of Canadian Virtual Hospice.
A free online resource that helps parents support their children when someone in their life is dying or has died. It equips parents with the words and confidence needed to help children grieve life’s losses in healthy ways. A service of Canadian Virtual Hospice.
The Dougy Center
The Dougy Center offers a wide range of online resources for people of all ages who are grieving before and after a death. Find help you can access anytime at:
The Compassionate Friends
The Compassionate Friends is an international, non-profit, peer support organization, offering friendship, understanding, grief education and HOPE for the future to all families who are grieving the death of a child at any age, from any cause.
Compassionate Friends Canada: https://tcfcanada.net
Online Communities: https://www.compassionatefriends.org/find-support/online-communities/online-support/
International Children's Memorial Place
Incorporated in 1999, the International Children’s Memorial Place in Kinkora, Prince Edward Island is a place where parents and families who have lost a child can visit and reflect on their loss.
The Sisterhood Of Widows
Blog: A community for widows, by widow, author, coach and speaker, Mary Francis.
The Grieving Sibling
A community for all who have suffered the loss of an adult sibling.